4 Steps to Apply for Government Grant for Solar Panels

government grant for solar panels

People living with a limited income such as child support or pensions are indebted to the recent initiative of the UK government to offer ECO Grants for them. From insulating the walls to replacing the boilers, the funds are literally changing lives. Visit us at Free Eco Grants where we can help you apply for a government grant for solar panels followed by any other grant you are eligible to apply for.

Here are the four steps to apply for the government grant for solar panels

Are you ready to embrace solar?

Before you apply for the solar panel installation grants, decide whether you and your family are ready to accept the havoc change. It’s a matter of huge investment and a big decision when after all these years you are asked to opt for solar energy. So, give it a good thought before switching to solar energy.

Show valid documents while applying

You must have valid documents to show while applying for solar panels along with the free cavity wall insulation for a better living experience.

Decide the place to install solar panels

If you have ample space in the roof or backyard, apply for the grant just like applying for a government insulation grant for walls, roofs and lofts.

Talk to an expert at Free Eco Grants

Have a word with the experts at Free ECO Grants before you apply for solar or loft insulation grants. They know it better to get the approval in the first go!